Thursday 20 May 2021

How to get your Twitter account verified: Step-by-step guide

Twitter account verification has begun, again. Three years ago, the microblogging site paused the verification process with the aim to make it fair for all Twitter users. This time, Twitter is making it much easier to apply for account verification.

The microblogging is rolling out the account verification form for everyone, but only eligible users will be able to apply for it. There are certain criteria that users will need to meet to be able to apply for the blue tick. Let’s take a look at how you can apply for account verification on Twitter and get that blue tick.

How to apply for Twitter verification

Twitter reveals that it is rolling out the verification application option to all accounts in a phased manner. This means, you may not be able to see the account verification option immediately. If you have the option listed already, apply for it right away, and if not, wait for a few more days.

-To apply for account verification you will need to head over to the account option under the Settings option on Twitter app.

-Once the verification application option is available, you will need to first check the eligibility criteria and ensure that you belong to one of the six eligible categories.

-You will need to provide all the required details such as government issued ID, official email address, an official website link, among other details.

twitter verification

-Once the application is submitted, you will receive an emailed response from Twitter, possibly in the next few days or so. Twitter states that the respond would be sent in a few days or weeks, depending on how many open applications are in the queue.

-If Twitter accepts your verification application Twitter will automatically start showing the blue badge on your profile.

-Note that if Twitter declines your application, you now get the option to reapply 30 days after receiving Twitter’s decision on your previous application.

How can apply for Twitter verification?

-Companies, brands and organizations
-News organizations and journalists
-Sports and gaming
-Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals

While the categories are limited right now, Twitter says it plans to introduce more categories later this year, such as those for scientists, academics, and religious leaders.

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